Thursday, January 26, 2006


Now I've participated in the first part of the teacher-education-thingy. With a pounding headache and a raging thirst. It was an unusually giving night, and it gave me inspiration and lots of ideas how to manage my photography-class (mainly). It also gave me the energy to start up a private study-circle (photography/darkroom), so that i could get "free" access to the lab. We are three people in that circle at the moment, but if anyone feels like joining in, gimme a shout! I'm always open to new people!

They also treated us to dinner at Great Eastern, wich was a nice thing. Good food and something to drink made me a happier man. Now me 'n the missus are gonna tear the book-case apart. I should also add that it's Linda-Marie who shot the picture for this post. Thank you L-M, I stole it without asking! =)

Photography: Linda-Marie Tegman


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