Well, the lesson for today is going to have to be: Crashing your car hurts. I was driving down a road at aprox. 50 km/h (at a 70 km/h-road). I was going to take a turn in an intersection, so i started slowing down aprox. 40 meters before the intersection. The car slowed to about 40 km/h, and I could turn the car just enough to aim it straight at the road-side metal bars. At 40 km/h, the tires just let go of the road, and no amount of braking or turning could do anything about it.
Bang.All in all, I feel pretty ok. A bit tender over the chest where the belt smacked into me. It's a shame I can't say the same about the car.. Crushed headlights, the hood looks like a raisin and the fender is fucked. All in all: you don't wanna take it for a road-trip. So now I don't just own a volvo.. I own a volvo-puzzle! I'm gonna try (with the help of my father) to fix the car up as far as I can, but as I write this.. it doesn't look too good.
I'm gonna take a bath now, and see if I can get my chest to stop aching. =)
Photo: Volvo crash-test lab